South Korea accelerates the promotion of semiconductor industry policy legislation

28 August 2023

According to Korean media reports, South Korean President Yoon Seok-Youl attended the National Power Party Semiconductor Industry Special Committee event on the 14th and expressed his clear support for accelerating the legislation of the Korean semiconductor industry.

Yoon Seok-Youl said that semiconductors can be regarded as industrial food and are the most important field of the fourth industrial revolution. As a leader, we must prepare food for the future for the people. He asked the congressmen at the meeting to support the legislation of the semiconductor industry and ensure that the government will do a good job in personnel training and other related work.

The semiconductor industry legislation, known as K-Chips, was promoted and formulated by Yang Xiangzi, a member of the Korean National Assembly and chairman of the National Power Party's Semiconductor Industry Competitiveness Enhancement Special Committee, including the "National Advanced Strategic Industry Special Law" and "Special Tax Restriction Law Amendments" Liang Xiangzi hopes to pass legislation in the September parliamentary session, saying that "every minute is urgent."

During the day's event, Liang Xiangzi also asked President Yoon Seok-Youl to set up a special committee for high-tech industries to coordinate the government's technology and industrial policies and ensure the development of key industries such as semiconductors.