TE Connectivity Raychem Cable Protection NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633
Part Number:
- NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633
- TE Connectivity Raychem Cable Protection
Ventron No:
- 200033-NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633
- NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633
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TE Connectivity Raychem Cable Protection NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633 technical specifications, attributes, parameters and parts with similar specifications to TE Connectivity Raychem Cable Protection NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633.
- RoHS StatusNon-RoHS Compliant
NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633 Overview
This product is manufactured by TE Connectivity Raychem Cable Protection and belongs to the category of Heat Shrink Tubing. The images we provide are for reference only, for detailed product information please see specification sheet NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633 or the datasheet in PDF format. As a professional electronic components distributor, Ventron has five million electronic components available. Additionally, we have over 500,000 electronic components in stock ready for immediate shipment. If you have requirements, you can send us a quotation form to get the price of NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633. We attach great importance to our customers' purchasing experience and are willing to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with you. If you have any questions or requirements, please feel free to contact us.
This product is manufactured by TE Connectivity Raychem Cable Protection and belongs to the category of Heat Shrink Tubing. The images we provide are for reference only, for detailed product information please see specification sheet NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633 or the datasheet in PDF format. As a professional electronic components distributor, Ventron has five million electronic components available. Additionally, we have over 500,000 electronic components in stock ready for immediate shipment. If you have requirements, you can send us a quotation form to get the price of NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633. We attach great importance to our customers' purchasing experience and are willing to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with you. If you have any questions or requirements, please feel free to contact us.
NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633 More Descriptions
Heat Shrink Tubing & Sleeves NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633 PRICED PER FOOT
NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633, 622902M007
NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633, 622902M007
Product Comparison
The three parts on the right have similar specifications to NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633.
ImagePart NumberManufacturerRoHS StatusFactory Lead TimeMaterialOperating TemperaturePackagingSeriesPublishedFeaturePart StatusMoisture Sensitivity Level (MSL)ColorShrinkage RatioShrink TemperatureDiameter - Inner, SuppliedDiameter - Inner, RecoveredRecovered Wall ThicknessLifecycle StatusMax Operating TemperatureMin Operating TemperatureELVSpool SizeLengthDiameter - InsideLead FreeView Compare
NTFR-1-1/4-0SPCS5633Non-RoHS Compliant------------------------
RoHS Compliant24 WeeksNeoprene, Irradiated-70°C~121°CSpoolNTFR2012Abrasion Resistant, Flame Retardant, Fluid ResistantActive1 (Unlimited)Black1.75 to 1135°C2.000 (50.80mm)1.140 (28.96mm)0.110 2.79mm--------
RoHS Compliant24 WeeksNeoprene, Irradiated-70°C~121°CDigi-Spool™, Continuous SpoolNTFR1998Abrasion Resistant, Flame Retardant, Fluid ResistantActiveNot ApplicableBlack1.75 to 1135°C2.000 (50.80mm)1.140 (28.96mm)0.110 2.79mmACTIVE (Last Updated: 3 days ago)121°C-70°CCompliant75.0' 22.9mEnter Number of Feet in Order Quantity50.8 mmNot Applicable
RoHS Compliant24 WeeksNeoprene, Irradiated-70°C~121°CSpoolNTFR2012Abrasion Resistant, Flame Retardant, Fluid ResistantActive1 (Unlimited)Black1.75 to 1135°C1.750 (44.45mm)1.000 (25.40mm)0.107 2.71mm--------
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